First 5 Blue Horizon Kickstarter-exclusive Short Story Previews! (5 out of 5 are completed and edited.)

5. The Day was Bright and Blue. A Little Close to Sunset, I Sensed Something Eternal. (Antonio and Alejandro.) Completed on 05/16/2024. Main edits: TBA. Word count: 3674.

One-ish sentence preview:

“I’ll do it easily,” Alejandro told him, lips grazing the edge of Antonio’s, “But I wonder if you’ll keep jarring me if we stay here. I always expect your skin to taste saltier.”

 “You really should kiss me already,” said Antonio.

Summary: Alejandro and Antonio try to ignore their rivalry and the upcoming choice for the role of Planetary Protector.

4. Such Classical Men (Raj, William, Leo, Tomás). Completed on 05/13/2024. Main edits: TBA. Word count: 6892.

One-ish sentence preview:

“What?” Raj asked, voice small. “Do you really have a crush on Antonio? Is that it?”

Summary: Leo and William guess at who Raj might be in love with. Raj fears falling in love and fears the ghosts Tomás sees with him, but is determined to keep someone precious around in his life for a long time.

3. A Man with No Dream. (Nasir, Shakir and Obi.) Completed on 05/06/2024. Main edits: 05/08/2024. Word count: 2798.

One-ish sentence preview:

His Shakir stared up at the stars, dreaming of far too insane a goal. Nasir had seen it the last time he’d stolen Shakir’s star-flyer. That anger had been the anger of something a little too real.

Summary: Finally back in university again in his mid-20's, Nasir scopes out the man who his elder half-siblings want him to track—the currently world renown Shakir—only to discover this Shakir is the unassuming one he'd met and bothered too often back when they'd both been 19. Not only that, but Shakir's best friend Obi recognizes something scary about Nasir.

2. Much Ado about a Man like You. (Diego and Fernando.) Completed on 05/04/2024. Main edits: 05/05/2024. Word count: 2041.

One-ish sentence preview:

When Diego had dreamt him up for the first time in a while—a while since the nightmares splattered with blood, so often featuring the Chandrani brothers at 18—the Fernando who appeared his age had run to him instead.

Summary: A while after Fernando Chandrani-Rivera's death in the real world, Diego dreams up the Fernando he adores again and again. Fernando speaks of strange things, and Diego fears the machinations of the otherworld when he sleeps.

1. The Story of an Unknown Person. (Keya and Layla.) Completed on 04/29/2024. Main edits: 04/30/2024. Word count: 1476.

One-ish sentence preview:

Despite the True Barrier’s choosiness at Layla’s door, it had let Keya Chandrani in…

That great threat no one would admit to.

Summary: Layla can't stand her cousin Keya, and the door to her room should have understood this. The door to her room always relies on her consent. So why would it allow Keya through? Keya speaks to Layla about Layla's weaknesses. Layla viciously despises Keya's own weaknesses. There's someone important to them that neither can remember.

(Note: The Kickstarter has not yet been created or begun. This is simply a post noting my progress!)