Blue Horizon short stories.
(Here it is on the original Tumblr, though it's harder to read in order there.)
Here's information regarding the upcoming light novel/novella that will accompany the epic science fantasy. The light novel's name is "The Protector's memory of them under the sunlight." and it will be around 75 to 100 pages long!
Since this light novel will have a free-to-read black-and-white-and-grayscale illustrated version in the future, I've decided to preview partial excerpts of the first chapter.
You can find a 5-page excerpt of chapter 1 here! The full 32-page excerpt is free-to-read within that link and also linked below.
The full 32-page excerpt can be found (free-to-read) here:
(lily art by pikisuperstar @ freepik. added 06/10/24.)
[04/21/2024.] Made a video of me reading a very tiny drabble set in Blue Horizon verse. It's on Youtube.
Microfictions: [03/21/2024.] I actually have a 1000-words-ish short story written that's set in Blue Horizon already, but will wait to drop it after I have the books released for a while. As of 03/21/2024, they are unreleased.
HOWEVER... I remembered after forgetting that back in late September 2021, when I started utilizing my Writer Twitter, I created microfiction to start of my Twitter adventures there.
So here they are, with more discerning notes!
The first is about Antonio Chandrani-Rivera and Alejandro Altaha. At the time on Twitter for some reason I wanted to use aliases for the characters (I dropped that quickly); those aliases helped me come up with the first book's title though.
Antonio and Alejandro. Flash fic #001:
Pedantically, you stack bricks around the boy; build a wall all around him so high that you convince yourself you’ll be fine among those who hold you up now, the way you hold them (you always will—you always, always will).
But then you realize it.
His bloodied body is standing right behind you. His smile covered up by the blood that slips from his forehead. This phantom memory of him that will never go away immortalizes it—that day you’d failed him, and everyone.
This is from Alia [Atif-]Akinyemi's POV:
Alia [Atif]-Akinyemi POV. Flash fic #002:
You were friends, all of you. A world full of sunny adventures and rainy day explorations. Those memories that might unfold in your mind in that rare moment of quiet; might be sealed away; might never quite come back.
The threads that you all wove together have scattered you far, far apart. Across deserts and across seas. Across valleys and across a hundred cities.
But one day, you might find your way back again, simply by following their drifting path…to that place you met, high upon the hills, so very long ago.
Do you want to?
This is about Antonio Chandrani-Rivera and Alejandro Altaha, and is based on the early skating-through-clouds edit I made:
Antonio and Alejandro. Flash fic #003:
When he nearly trips a bit and starts to fall and flail, despite his magic easily holding him up high above the skies, you laugh at him because it's easy to laugh around him, but he doesn't see it in such a way at all.
He sees you laugh and it's like a world of flora blooming. Through the lands and through the seas. Biennials and perennials all bloom at once in his heart of hearts, for no reason.
The days and years pass, but it stays in some way. In his actions, in the way that he looks people in the eyes.
It’s nothing he ever speaks about, but that bright moment in time might linger for a while.
Or it might linger for eras unimaginable to human memory.
The smallest of echoes, through spacetime.
The edit:
alt text: one of my first "drawings" of aletono, except the background is a photo. it's the one where they're shadowed and skating atop white clouds surrounded by a teal sky and softer gray-ish clouds above.