Blue Horizon comic 3 throughout the 7 day loss of electricity after the hurricane/cyclone...!

SOOOO... I worked on Blue Horizon: Bright Days, Sad Days comic 3 for like 3 days off-and-on and got back to the place I'd been in the 6 hours of progress I'd made just prior to the hurricane cutting off the electricity 7 days ago THAT I DIDN'T SAVE ON USB (though I did save prior to that)...

THEN after the electricity came back today I checked between my fam's tablet version (that I was working on for 3 days) VS my computer's version and only the eye re-alignment for a later Antonio panel was superior; everything else was mostly barely-remembered attempts at redoing that 6 hours I didn't save on USB.

SO aside from a few bits that were useful and copypasta'd, I'm...!!! Just working on my main one again. ^^" That was hellish but it was nice just to work on something I wanted to for a few days instead of go crazy.

I can show it off later, but I don't think it's even that worth it. Oh well. Glad I realigned Antonio's eye better though.