Title and summary for the upcoming light novel, "The Protector's memory of them under the sunlight"~!
Have decided that I want to have a post up with the light novel (novella)'s title and summary since it doesn't spoil that much at this point (due to Twitter pitches and site + comic lore dump) and looks a bit cute. There are a few worldbuild notes that are still obscured (including the name of the "artifact").
Hope it'll be of interest soon~! I'll announce when I'm ready to ask for beta readers. It'll be sometime in the next weeks.
This light novel will have a free version that only has black-and-white-and-grayscale illustrations and less bonus illustrations. :3
Edit: For further notes check out this old Tumblr post that goes into how I wrote this light novel/novella up in 10 days. It's still a wild memory.