The Citaatlco and Lotus Isles map!


There's a map of a crescent moon-shaped Citaatlco Isle, which stands in for Mexico, a lotus-shaped Lotus Isles, which stands in for South Asia, and Pathra at the edge of the main section of the Lotus Isles, as a stand in for Bengal + Bangladesh. The Shrouded Seas surround these many isles. A few cities of note--Citaatlco City and Estrellada City in Citaatlco and Jowar City in Pathra are noted.

Here's the Citaatlco and Lotus Isles map from the Blue Horizon: Bright Days, Sad Days comic ! It'll be in the The Protector and the Annihilation novel too. I already adjusted Citaatlco a bit from how it looks in the comic.

The Lotus Isles specifically stands in for fantasy counterpart-South Asia (Pathra stands for fantasy counterpart-Bengal + Bangladesh), while Citaatlco stands in for fantasy counterpart-Mexico. You can technically also imagine similarity to certain isles on Earth if you want.

The one in the novel will likely be a bit more detailed, though we'll see. I'm the worst type of fantasy writer as thinking about a proper fantasy map makes me want to faint.