Very early sketch of the Main 4 of Blue Horizon's Ancient selves! (Nasir, Leila, Luna and Shakir. Corresponding to, respectively: Antonio, Layla, Alia and Alejandro!)


left forefront of the canvas has sketch of leila hadid-salah with wavy hair that falls everywhere, an intense frown and serious gaze. she wears a v-neck.

upper left part of the canvas has sketch of nasir hadid-salah, who is staring upward while wearing a schenti. he has furrowed brows and very short cropped afro. he has an axe on his shoulder, shown behind him.

upper right part of the canvas has shakir, who is smiling toward nasir, is bald and wears a cloak.

right forefront of the canvas has luna adebayo, who is staring a bit drolly at leila hadid, with short cropped afro hair and wears an ankh.

they're all black characters and part of a futuristic fantasy egyptian environment.

the canvas of clip studio is showing.

Hello~! I like dropping sketches early, so y'all can have this one...

This is particularly because they have been important to Blue Horizon and its lore forever. Since I didn't have my own art of them, sometimes I felt like I was over-explaining without being able to show them off.

Current sketch of Blue Horizon verse's Main 4's Ancient selves from 10,000 years past…!

Clockwise Leila Hadid-Salah (Layla Chandrani), Nasir Hadid-Salah (Antonio Chandrani-Rivera), Shakir (Alejandro [Caldera-]Altaha) and Luna Adebayo (Alia [Atif-]Akinyemi).

For people new to Blue Horizon's main lore, they are 100,000 years in the future and obsessed with Earthian history (our era, though they conflate it with ancient eras such as 'ancient Egypt').

(AKA both "100,000 years ago" and "10,000 years ago" is important in the verse.)

Additional backstory is that Nasir and Leila are Blasian. Luna and Shakir are black. I only had Picrews of these guys for the longest time; those are now becoming more historical and in my Tumblr archives.