Blue Horizon official girls' and nbys' relationship chart for fun.


BLUE RIZE MAIN GIRLS' AND NBYS' RELATIONSHIP CHART for all the people who Respect Women (and yuri)...!! 💖💖💖 💛❤️💙 💖💖💖

For the much larger original size, you can open image in a new tab on tumblr here.

This one notes more friendships (technically). If they're related I'll just say it! Otherwise they're typical friends.

Note that despite Layla's two hearts toward Khalida saying "close friend," hearts involve crushing and is not about close friendship.

It was interesting to show "would" (get with) despite the blue friendship line with Hazan and Layla.

HOWEVER... Though a majority of the girls featured on this chart have romantic and platonic relationship [problems and solutions] in Book 1, some of these relationships will be more obvious in later books--the main relationship focuses in Book 1 are OUTSIDE Hazan, Hazal and Eliza's sphere, so any arrows involving those 3 girls is just extra details prior to later books.

Here's the earlier love chart with the boys and nbys in case anyone wants to compare terminology, etc.


smiley means admiration/very fond of as a comrade. heart means current crush levels. question mark means a mystery--can be friendly or romo. broken heart means heartbreak, usually due to breakup or rejections (or occasionally assumptions). blue lines and lettering means platonic (although relationships can start off this way, brothers + sisters + siblings by blood are canonically familial. including cousins.)

Hazan is a lesbian who has a huge crush on Eliza who has question marks at Hazan; Hazan finds Layla "weird but curious" and then "also kinda cute (would). Hazal and Hazan are sisters (twins though it's unspecified there). Hazal is bi and has a smiley with two hearts toward Khalida. Khalida has a blue line toward her that says "friend." Eliza has a smiley and question marks toward Khalida and Khalida has question marks toward Eliza. Khalida is bi and has question marks toward Alia that says "very close" and Alia has question marks toward Khalida that says "important. Khalida has question marks over Layla and Layla has a smiley and two hearts toward Khalida that says "close friend" (however, 2 hearts do not mean "close friend"). In blue, Khalida worries over Konna and Konna stresses over Khalida. Layla is a lesbian and has a storm as well as question marks and exclamation points as well as censored yellow curses in a conflux atop hidden hearts toward Alia, who returns that. It says by Alia that her sexuality is unknown but not hetero. Despite the hearts it says they are "possibly friends." Layla thinks Hazan is "sharp but acts particularly lackadaisical" and "wouldn't" (aka get with) unlike Hazan who "would" (aka get with). Layla has question marks toward Konna that says "interesting" and Konna has two hearts toward her that says "curious." Konna is a lesbian and has 3 hearts toward a rainbow-TV-static-ing figure that says quote "HER (lesbian)" end quote. That "HER" has question marks toward Konna. That "HER" has a blue-lined feud with Layla (blood-related). Konna has a blue line toward Alia that says "cool but thinks Layla finds Alia hotter than her [cry kaomoji that's like T_T;]" and Alia has a blue line toward Konna that says "curious + cautious" on top of stormy gray loops with thunder that hides a loud "WITCH" underneath. Konna has a blue line toward Jasmin that says "freak." Jasmin has an opaque :) smile (not the admiration smiley) at Alia and Alia has a scarier-looking :) smile (not the admiration one) at Jasmin. Jasmin has the same opaque :) smile toward Layla who has a :/ (dispassionate face) toward Jasmin. These are in pink, however, like many of the closer relationships. Jasmin has a ^_^ brightly smiling kaomoji in red toward Maria, who has a storm with lightning and rain absolutely obscuring a singular visible heart toward Jasmin, but on top of the stormy rain she says "cool rockstar!!!" cheerfully. Toward Maria in blue, Layla's arrow says "cautious," Alia's says "curious (strange)," Konna's says "aware of her power" and Khalida's says "aware of her power."