these messages...they're so like you.

[Layla ⚡]: Alia. Do you ever wonder if the only reason you love is because of a far away, unreachable world?

[alia] not at all. i love the world around me as it is.

[Layla ⚡]: The thought of the Boundless is endlessly irritating to me. And beyond that, our ancestors were Earthians, weren't they?

[alia]: the earth was so small. repetitive and cyclical and devastating in its violence. fragile, loving, full of life... something too worthless and too worthwhile. but it's nothing you remember, is it?

[Layla ⚡]: I don't think it matters to me at all. The Earth. We're who we are right now and right here. Why should it matter to me?

[alia]: it's the same for me. i'll stay who i am right where i am. surrounded by the people i am. in this world as it is now.

[Layla ⚡]: With those you love. By the way, do you have any best friends?

[alia]: khalida.

[Layla ⚡]: I'm not shocked reading that, but... What about me? What do you think?

[alia]: we're around each other too often lately.

[Layla ⚡]: That's because I try to seek you out! :)

[alia]: just to spiel on about admittedly fascinating topics. i've had people like that around me. like my brother.

[Layla ⚡]: I'd hate to be your brother. I can't think of you as a sibling.

[alia]: you aren't.

[Layla ⚡]: I'm glad to be anything else. Though it's a conundrum, what you are in my life. Truth is, you remind me of such a faraway world.


❤ ✒ [pixies]

( [alia] is typing... )

( bg credit: simon lee @ unsplash )