After Blue Horizon: BDSD comic 4 - updated specifics of main 6 fantasy counterpart cultural backgrounds


So after FINALLY dropping Blue Horizon: Bright Days, Sad Days comic 4, I'll clarify:

🌹 Antonio is mixed fantasy counterpart Bengali + Bangladeshi ("Pathran") and Mexican ("Citaalan")!

🌹 Layla is fantasy counterpart Bengali + Bangladeshi ("Pathran"). (Though I made one of her mothers a bit ambiguous over whether she is black or not.)

🌹 Alia and Khaleel are fantasy counterpart Nigerian and Sudanian [+ Nubian] and Indian second gen. Leo is fantasy counterpart Nigerian who moved to fantasy counterpart India too, as their families lived in and moved to the same area for reasons (but he's possibly first gen).

🌹 Alejandro is mixed fantasy counterpart Mexican and Apache.

So... "Pathra" (path means pathway in Bangla) is fantasy counterpart Bengal + Bangladesh. Hopefully the name doesn't sound too weird, but I based it on my dad's theory that "Bangla" comes from "Banga/Vanga" which means "broken" [lands, due to many rivers].

Citaatlco comes from "Citlali" = "star", "atl" = "water", and "co" = "place" in Nahuatl.

(I'm suddenly worried my dumb ass took off the "Citla" on accident during my notes but we'll stick to this since I canonized it. I need to sort through my docs to find my notes, but it's possible I just tried to smash it a certain way. Unsure.)

The names of Alia, Khaleel, Leo and Alejandro's fantasy counterpart regions will be revealed in the upcoming epic science fantasy, The Protector and the Annihilation.

This is an updated version of this ancient post.