naila microblogs blue horizon and/or writing stressors!

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1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | the after-tpata-release game | 41-

i already feel like i'm inspired to microblog here differently from elsewhere, so that's interesting. since this site is blue horizon-oriented these little messages in a bottle will be focused on my writing and media-making journey for blue horizon!

i easily hyperfocus on blue horizon, so i'm not even pushing myself, lol. hope it's an interesting read for any who do. might be a bit awkward but i felt like it'd be odd to make a status cafe just for random blue horizon notes.

the swimming pool div boxes are a swimming pool aesthetic image i found mixed with the rainbow box codepen by morgane (unnegative). message in a bottle format is by lejla here!

06/03/2024. have been consuming media and creating experimental tracks instead of doing final edits. this too is writing. (i think.) overall imo it's better that i can consume media; half the time i start then go "man i should be editing." having Me Time isn't bad at all.

06/03/2024. i want to unleash immense levels of homosexuality unto the world so bad. ( •̀ - •́ )

06/04/2024. i love the message in a bottle feeling to this microblog already, hehe. thank you @ lejla.

06/04/2024. i'm all over the place regarding my long-term focus on antonio chandrani-rivera partly due to his relation to the epic science fantasy book 1 part 1 protagonists, The Dads, ranvir chandrani and armando rivera. i'm extremely fond of him, but what i mean by this is layla is the main character too alongside antonio! it's just easier to connect antonio to ranmando's story, and thus easiest to summarize the way i tend to. i want to focus on my yuris more. (✿ʘ‿ʘ)

06/09/2024. it hasn't happened yet but if anyone ever asks about where more south asian rep is, antonio and fernando and raj are Right There...! 😤 [5.]

06/09/2024. back to my final edits! feels wild. so many "but"s to kick out.

06/10/2024. went insane and added in a pun wherever i could across this site. (✿ʘ‿ʘ)

06/10/2024. Enjoyed adding in this little ditty as a welcome message for the guestbook, which reflects a scene in the unpublished first book:

[You catch sight of him in the video call. The study is a mess. The books are stacked haphazardly. His silver brother is dozing upon a well-worn dark velvet sofa near a precarious stack.]

06/11/2024. As soon as I relearned how to do multiple fonts in one page, I started thinking about the characters' handwriting and what might be good approximates... But I'm all over the place about it, in the end. [10.]

06/11/2024. never mind i'm obsessed. it was easy to pick out antonio's but i like alejandro's too. i found one i associate with khaleel and maybe one for leo too... gotta find alia and layla's.

06/11/2024. i wasn't totally satisfied before but after finding the Pretty Perf antonio font (out of what's available on g[ ]gl[ ] at least) i finally found alejandro's, then alia's... only layla's is evading me. ah well!

06/17/24. most recent novel-editing goals done. art era art era art era~

please hold for another art era.

06/25/24. got impatient and sketched out the rest of comic 3 after the now finished and base-colored middle panels that i showed off in the special 2 sketch area of the blog, so it should be out in a day to 3 (depending on how long it takes me to color)

06/25/24. i consider blue horizon: bright days, sad days (the current ongoing comic) "slice of life" with sudden bursts of plot. the worldbuild will slowly roll out!

i didn't expect some of this to debut before dropping the main epic science fantasy book, but it's cool that i can already give a sense of blue horizon's world. [15.]

06/29/24. brain has officially become comics.

i'm surprised this comic is taking so long when it's only a little longer than the previous two, despite my having two admitted break days. the previous two took 6 days and 4-5 days respectively. might have to do with having to draw and color 7 characters with different looks and color schemes... even though it's basically only their half-bodies! i'm also trying to pay attention to little things.

so far it's taken a total of 12 days (2 days occured in march where i thereafter put off comic 3, and in these past 10, two breaks, so 10 actual days). what will be will be. this comic is "update whenever" for a reason! (i will focus on finishing it in the next days though.)

06/29/24. the most intriguing situation (i can't recall if i spoke about it here and thus i am sorry if this is repetitive BUT) is that i wound up revising comic 3 more than i expected. so EVEN THOUGH i expected antonio and layla's close friends leo and khaleel to debut in comic 7(?) or 10(?) or even 12(!?) together, and for me to focus on the short storyline i planned for them around then, due to this revision they'll debut with layla and alia in comic 5 or 6. which is way sooner than 7, 10 and definitely 12 and it's very exciting to think of being able to focus on them way before then, since this comic IS update whenever. X"D

07/15/24. noting the hellish no electricity after-hurricane heat era here for why i suddenly disappeared. -_-; i am already trying to blank it out. ngl i am just a hater that i could've dropped the comic a week ago aside from that.

07/15/24. so a week and a half ago i listened to jenny by studio killers for like 8 hours while drawing blue horizon: bdsd comic 3. that's probably something.

07/15/24. normal note is that i was excited to work on comic 4 while working on comic 3, so i'm hoping comic 4 is a fun experience for me! it should be less trouble due to reasons. [20.]

08/05/24. here's a quick test attempt for the manga-style screentones i'll be utilizing for the free version of the light novel:

chibi versions of antonio chandrani, dad ranvir chandrani, and raj chandrani wearing lungi. they are all in manga-toned grayscale; raj and ranvir have darker skintone than antonio, though he is implied brown in grayscale tone. ranvir has gray hair and antonio has darker hair while raj has white. antonio has an amused chibi look with brows furrowed, ranvir has closed eyes and a grin and looks like he's having a good time hanging around, and raj with silver eyes seems like he's discussing something intense with his arms thrown out.

unfortunately i think it does not party rock. learning from people who do it better, so we will see how i want everything done by the time i drop the previews of some of the illustrations.

08/07/24. have finished the major edits for the light novel/novella! shocked that it was so quick and easy to do (versus me working on editing the epic science fantasy ~700 page book for eons). it's about 70 to 100 pages in comparison.

most enjoyable part so far is having word reread the document for me. already fixing up random sentences because of that. i can't believe i reread the main epic science fantasy out loud to myself before a writer friend suggested this. 😆

actually getting my goals done is making me like. feel insane. 🫨 such wild stuff!

08/16/2024. serious drawing era again. if i finally draw part of the map for the sake of comic 4 i'll cry

08/16/2024. my initial map of planet imion was extremely sexy and i was obsessed after drawing it in my journal but there's like One Thing I Have To Change so i put it off for 4 years

08/18/2024. i have concocted. (leads to tumblr but i really wanted people to know and it feels like the easiest way on this here site.) [25.]

08/24/2024. TIRED !!! am continuing work on comic 4, whilst trying to juggle the light novel cover so that i have it and the special edition epic fantasy cover done sooner than later. the kickstarter is in the forefront of my mind, and while i'm glad i finished the light novel, until i have more totally complete it'll feel dizzying, i think.

i've made tiny reveals of what people will find in comic 4 in my Social Socials, but am thinking i'll wait till the comic is done to repeat those posts here so i can show off the finished art more. it's hard to figure out how to balance updating on different sites. @_@; i truly enjoy this one, though.

09/04/2024. i have 9 blue horizon kickstarter short stories written now so i'll make another post soon. after this i'll do 10 per post so that i don't have to make like 6 whole posts for 1-sentence-ish previews. and just as a note, the kickstarter hasn't launched yet. i'm hoping i can launch it within 2 months' time.

09/24/24. i'm researching how to make acrylic charms and enamel pins and thinking about revising how i do my kickstarter...! (it is still in the planning stages and hasn't begun yet.)

09/24/24. IT'S BLUE HORIZON COUPLE CHARMS ERA... i'm excite

major blue horizon: bright days, sad days comic 4 spoilers


10/06/24. here's a preview of alejandro's fatein comic 4 via a free-to-read patreon post. it's a major spoiler for alejandro and antonio, so only click if you want to be spoiled! [30.]


5 to 7 pages soon~! (I paneled it webtoon-style instead of traditional comic style so unsure of the exact pages rn.)

11/30/24. SO... as everyone knows by now, i've finished comic 4 of blue horizon: bright days, sad days (it's a 7-page update)!

i've written 20 out of 33 short stories for the upcoming kickstarter. i'll be dropping a new blog post with one-sentence previews soon, except they'll have "15-ish" each.

i'm coloring the light novel cover...!

after that, there's a few things left to do for the upcoming kickstarter. it looks pretty good, but i've only shown it off to the street team.

i feel like things are getting done faster than i thought, but it's also still taking TOO long. ah well.


a future game for after "the protector and the annihilation" releases:

- potential meaning: flower
- shared with: star trek
- part of: breathing system of the hermit crab

12/16/24. my thoughts about fic is like, overall what creatives want canon they'll just canon and what fic writers wanna fic they'll fic.

if people go for it, personally idc what people fic for blue rize.

01/30/25. SO... i've been lazy about updating here, specifically, but as can be seen on the main page, i did a cover reveal for "the protector's memory of them under the sunlight." light novel/novella! you can read the free excerpts here!

in truth i'm getting a lot of kickstarter work done! here's the link to the ranvir/armando and antonio/alejandro enamel pin designs for those who haven't seen them yet. i have layla/alia left. AFTER THAT i'll take a week or two to drop all 3 acrylic charm designs involving the same couples!

overall the kickstarter for "the protector and the annihilation" epic science fantasy novel will be large. there's also 29 kickstarter-exclusive short stories that'll be available throughout the tiers. they essentially form the crux of it! y'all can see the 29 one-sentence previews and summaries here.

ESSENTIALLY... the more i actually get done the less insane i feel! still have a few things left to do, though, including the 7 tarot cards. i'll be happy getting these tasks done and hopefully debuting it by march, maybe halfway. [35.]

02/03/25. laylia one done~! i love going less nuts. the enamel pin is partly a pun, but my baba really likes water lilies and the white one is the national flower of bangladesh!

02/06/25. (highlight for spoilers.) i've had blue horizon for like 20 years in my brain now so getting near the kickstarter has been feeling p nuts!

saying blue horizon is 20 years old feels weird but even 5 years ago i was saying 15 so ig the years just keep passing... for what it's worth, in high school it was a more straightforward ancient egypt-based fantasy and i changed how the world and cast worked like 5 times. it had certain worldbuild since its early days (the two main magic systems) but i kept adding twin characters and changing backstory and things like that.

i forget when i last brought this up, but for about 10 years i expected to make blue horizon a webcomic only EVEN THOUGH i always wanted to write it as novels for (tbh sexy) reasons. this was because that was the main venue for non-villainizing stories with lgbtq couples prior to '15 or so.

OVERALL nervous and excited!!

02/06/25. despite my noting an adventurous feeling often, blue horizon is definitely for people who are interested in serious topics via fantasy... i'm bangladeshi so i put a lot of feelings regarding genocide, etc., into the story...!

02/28/25. i wasn't sure whether i'd break 50 readers quickly or not while working on it, so i'm v glad the newly-released "blue horizon: hibiscus, and the loved garden paths of raj rivera" IF game has been of interest…! (link goes to a neocities page with the itch game embedded.)

03/01/25. re: some of the reveals of the blue horizon game, i'll likely discuss the mechanics of the "core"/inner and outer loci of all the characters in a post after the kickstarter launches...!

the characters' elemental "cores" are vital to the magic systems of blue horizon's verse.

re: how their magic connect--red (empath) with silver (seering), et cetera--i see it alike to cell merges and separation except with their "outer loci/cores." [40.]

03/28/25. been putting off making posts here... overall after the last acrylic charm (ranmando) i'll have to finish 7 tarot card designs!

already have 2 sketched and it only took a day, so hopefully will have it all the main artwork done within the next two weeks. then i'll prep for launch! THIS HAS ALL BEEN PRETTY GREULING AND EXHAUSTING. i didn't want to regret anything, though.

after that, i want to go back to drawing for fun more, and go back to working on the comic.

despite not drawing for fun (maybe for the first time since the 20 artworks from last year were to Get Used To Drawing again), i have been taking breaks to have fun writing.

tpata is an adult epic science fantasy so it'll have sexy sitches and tbh i took a break because writing smutty scenes for nasir (antonio's past life) led to expanding backstory and plot a lot. uhh so now i'm finally back to finishing kickstarter tasks! woot.

current messages in a bottle: 41 out of 51. (03/28/25: started miscounting, whoops, so not 44 but 41.)

06/11/2024 as a 10th status celebration~!

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