Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's Secret Blog

So I started Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's character blog! His first 3 blog posts complete a storyline.

Antonio is assuming he has surprising time-jump-like access to a popular blogging site in the year 2005 A.D. despite being born 100,000 years in the future.

However, it doesn't seem to be the blog site he's assuming it is and the current year we're on is 2024 A.D.

The story follows Antonio's curiosity over a rare book Alejandro has gifted him that's encrypted with runes. He manages to break the spell on it and find out what Alejandro has hidden for him inside--and becomes upset, as it's a precious item the world over assumed Alejandro would give to his rumored potential beloved (the biggest rumored people being Khalida, Alia, Diego or Konna). When Antonio confronts Alejandro, Alejandro confesses that he thought that Antonio would trash the precious item.

These first 3 blog posts essentially function as a short story of about 2,500 words. Since they're blog posts, though, Antonio occasionally utilizes emoticons! The not-yet-released novels will NOT do that except for when characters text or message each other on the rare occasion.

Below will be a transcript of the first 3 blog posts in reading order! Let's begin!



antonio can't see the alt text but i shall tag it for him~ antonio who would hate me calling him 'my son' is my son who has blue hair like waves that's wetter than usual with aqua oceanic waves rising around him--however, it's still strangely dry!! it's due to him being an oceanic mage, of course. he looks a bit distant with brown skin, red eyes and a frown. the white cresting waves above him are a little like a falling crown. he is wearing a blue diver-like suit! and above, upon his visage and below it says, 'there's nothing. no dream, no memory.' he is very dramatic after all... or are those alejandro altaha's thoughts? oh dear.antonio can't see the alt text but i shall tag it for him~ antonio who would hate me calling him "my son" is my son who has blue hair like waves that's wetter than usual with aqua oceanic waves rising around him--however, it's still strangely dry!! it's due to him being an oceanic mage, of course. he looks a bit distant with brown skin, red eyes and a frown. the white cresting waves above him are a little like a falling crown. he is wearing a blue diver-like suit! and above, upon his visage and below it says, "there's nothing. no dream, no memory." he is very dramatic after all... or are those alejandro altaha's thoughts? oh dear.


My name is Antonio Chandrani-Rivera. I’m 15 years old and my alchemy has been fluctuating, so I somehow. Can be. Here.

Via my gorgeous abode!

Yes. Through that. Shut up. Why do you sound more girlish than usual?

Though… I think I’m dreaming. I must be.

Oh, darling! You certainly aren’t.

So I am… Only in a dream would I worry this much over Alejandro of all people. I could be with Diego right now. Or doing oceanic combat with Layla or Raj. Even if I’m in the Boundless, isn’t it better just to find Leo?

I read in my history books that Earthians in the year 2005 “blog.” I guess we have something in common even after 100,000 years… Weird as shit.

I need a private place to talk about this one idiot. As far as I understand about the more emotional(?) humans in the year 2005, they love “comms” and hate “epic fails.” But this place seems like it has no comms and has a lot of epic fails.

Historically, in the year 2005 A.D., when elemental prowess among humans was still burgeoning, the renown dumbf*ck of 100,000 years ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ fell in love with a beauty. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ kept hanging around that annoying beauty and the two along with L̶͉̹̩̞͗̔͆̀͐͌͐-̸̡̞͇͍͇̼̬̪̤̘͖̗̪̟͆̀̀̽̐͋̐̒̓̏̌̐͂͠ͅ-̵̛͈̲̲̹̩̩͒̎̌̈́͑̈́̓̉̈́̆͑͋̀͝ĺ̴̟͍̟̘͚̼̿̃͆̄͑̉͒ą̴͇̩̫̮̮͈͍̰̊̾̐̑͆̈̈́͝͝ simply ACCIDENTALLY protected the fated child. I can’t stand it… Thinking of them.

But I’m not ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒… I’m Antonio Chandrani-Rivera from 100,000 years in the future. I’m alright. I’ll be fine.

The truth is, I can’t remember.

What was I thinking about? That’s right.

Alejandro Caldera gave me a historical artifact. Not anything from 100,000 years ago and especially not from Earth, and instead from our own planet. Obviously. Still, it’s something quite old.

He said I give him too much. Too many…gifts. I can’t believe he even called them that. Is he stupid? The last thing I gave him was a nail clipper.

It’s a gorgeous book. A pretty green even with the glitzy gold. It’s from his own family’s archive. The family that despises me…

Don’t you even worry, young Nasir. If you have trouble, I can ascertain you might get some answer… Or zero. I have to admit, it’s a bit spotty for me here. Only that one’s very over-besotted over your potential in that era… In a timeline like this.

What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you able to interfere with my posts to this level? This wasn’t worth it, was it…?

It’s never worth it with Alejandro Caldera. What should I do? Can people on Earth decode runes yet? There’s runes all over this thing… Alejandro says he hid something for me in this book. He was too playful…! Whatever it is, it seems like such a gentle thing.

You should avoid someone that gentle, Nasir.

I will never listen to you, djinn. And like usual, my name is Antonio.

What should I do…? Ugh, I’m so annoyed…

This odd dreamy blog has a poll function, so I’ll let someone else decide! If no one decides, I guess I’ll have to figure something out on my own.

What should I do with Alejandro's stupid book?

This odd dreamy blog has a poll function, so I’ll let someone else decide! If no one decides, I guess I’ll have to figure something out on my own.

1: Throw it into the sea [25%]
2: Throw it at Alejandro's face [0%]
3: Sleep with my head atop of it to see if I sense something via dreams (dumb) [50%]
4: Give it to Diego and let it be his problem [0%]
5: Ask my teacher to help me with decoding the runes [25%]
6: Go talk to Layla so she can laugh at me [0%] This odd dreamy blog has a poll function, so I’ll let someone else decide! If no one decides, I guess I’ll have to figure something out on my own. What should I do with Alejandro's stupid book? 1: Throw it into the sea [25%] 2: Throw it at Alejandro's face [0%] 3: Sleep with my head atop of it to see if I sense something via dreams (dumb) [50%] 4: Give it to Diego and let it be his problem [0%] 5: Ask my teacher to help me with decoding the runes [25%] 6: Go talk to Layla so she can laugh at me [0%]



A red-eyed Alejandro with his long violet hair falling everywhere around him and upon his pale tunic with leafy design upon a sky blue shirt collar and medium light brown skin is implied to be under stark shadow and against the sun by the ocean, staring with his mouth open at a red-eyed Antonio who looks oddly blissful after noticing Alejandro, with half his blue hair like waves and half his body in a blue-diver-like suit submerged in his ocean magic, and the other half a little wet outside it, including dripping hair. A small panel shows Antonio grabbing Alejandro's arm but is cut off.

These panels are originally from webtoon comic 2 and don't have their original text. Instead they say, quote: 'When we were young, your dreams shone throughout the world... I couldn't stand them. Your foolish dream that's taken over the scope of the world. Your dream now keeps me up at night.' End quote. A slightly cut off part of the text below in large capitals is: 'BUT YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN ME'A red-eyed Alejandro with his long violet hair falling everywhere around him and upon his pale tunic with leafy design upon a sky blue shirt collar and medium light brown skin is implied to be under stark shadow and against the sun by the ocean, staring with his mouth open at a red-eyed Antonio who looks oddly blissful after noticing Alejandro, with half his blue hair like waves and half his body in a blue-diver-like suit submerged in his ocean magic, and the other half a little wet outside it, including dripping hair. A small panel shows Antonio grabbing Alejandro's arm but is cut off. These panels are originally from webtoon comic 2 and don't have their original text. Instead they say, quote: "When we were young, your dreams shone throughout the world... I couldn't stand them. Your foolish dream that's taken over the scope of the world. Your dream now keeps me up at night." End quote. A slightly cut off part of the text below in large capitals is: "BUT YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN ME"

I slept with Alejandro’s gift underneath my head like some idiots supposedly suggested. That is, I woke up after that previous dream and it turned out I was holding the book against my chest already.

It obviously didn't do anything!!

It didn’t? :o

And what’s with you? You usually don't make such tones, djinn.

Anyway, I decided it was best to go speak with my teacher. That cat man is almost as bad as you, djinn, so it's not like it was a huge change excepting the fact that he did what he sometimes does—actually help me out!

With his shitty hints, I was totally able to decode it! >:] But...

But what should I do about Alejandro's real gift?

Within the Boundless, from that place monstrous forms emerge and cause havoc for our society 100,000 years in the future, we students of the preeminent Protector's class have often saved humans trapped within their dreams and nightmares... Those who become surrounded by such monstrous forms. More often we free ghosts of their monsters, or sometimes nothing that's left at all but a memory. Or even the simple hope of one.

On the rarest occasion... Via a 1 in a five hundred million chance... We’re given something. Gifts. Something parted from a ghostly soul or even their memory as thanks.

Alejandro was given something not that long ago—it was all the buzz across our planet, since he's very well-favored to become the Protector of Worlds. (He won't become the Protector. It is assured.)

It was everywhere across the world through what you call “the television” in the year 2005 A.D. Or was it “the streams”?

Whatever you call it, he was on it. Everyone knows he was gifted something rare.

“The True Angel's Engraving.” Can you believe it? A name that boastful! It’s what they named it across the—on all the streams, or whatever you all say in the year 2005 A.D.

It’s in my hand now—a pleasing multicolored bracelet. Its components look and feel like ordinary stone fragments that fits well together, so cool to the touch, and yet I think they must not be ordinary. Not in a meteoric way or anything. The bracelet is singing with alchemical energy… With “the True Angel’s Engraving,” so to speak.


It felt like something familiar. Like my dad’s alchemy.

Not the way it is now, but like something from a very long time ago.

I’ve been thinking that since I saw it. I’ve been wanting to get away from everything…

Alejandro hid the bracelet away in this book I’d assumed was my main… My main prize of some sort.

On the streams, they kept repeating how it would bring him to the one he wanted to find, no matter what. That his heart was now connected to the bracelet.

Not just who he wanted to find… Who he seriously wanted. They’re obsessed with setting him up with someone these days. Alia. Diego. Khalida. Konna.

Still, enough of the journos mentioned it—that it could lead him to his try-hard brother too. To his family. To his…mother, potentially.

Why would he give it to me?

He must not have believed it. He’s such a fool.

Is he the fool, or are you? You don’t even believe your own words. Like usual. You’re always waiting for him to appear, and now you want to say ‘oh, boo-hoo, he obviously can’t believe that nonsense they say!’

But see, he used to prattle on about saviors. Am I not allowed to have opinions on them? He knows how I feel.

Child. He knows you are worse.

That’s not true. I really can’t stand you.

Do you really think it works both ways? I could—

You surely could!

Shut it. The bracelet… It doesn’t feel like my dad’s alchemy anymore. It feels like Alejandro’s.

I could put it back in the book. Pretend I never solved his stupid riddles.

And sleep holding it?

Do you think he wanted to give it to someone else first? I adore Diego, but you know he’s a little—

Oh, darling. I don’t know.

What should I do? He was too foolish—I can’t wear it in public. If he can’t think to give it to his prissy brother, it really was something to give a paramour. It’s too bad he has no real lover.

The public would have a meltdown even if a friend wore it—which I suppose I count as.

What should I do? I need to at least harangue him.

What should I do? Alejandro Caldera-Altaha. He really bothers me.

I likely slept too long today. I’ll need to eat when I wake. I won’t let mysterious votes choose that, so I’ll bring it up next time, I suppose.

Should I confront him directly, or talk to someone else?

2: TALK TO SOMEONE ELSE [50%] Should I confront him directly, or talk to someone else? 1: CONFRONT HIM [50%] 2: TALK TO SOMEONE ELSE [50%]


it's fine to keep dreaming. earth year 2005 a.d.

Antonio pulling Alejandro's arm against his chest, holding it. Antonio is smiling with furrowed brows at Alejandro while mostly submerged back against the ocean, with only his face and part of his head unsumbmerged. His shoulder-length blue hair is drifting in the water, and what's underneath the water is darker or bluish, including his diver-like dark blue suit, his skin and his hair.

at the bottom right it says: 'no. i just can't tell you anything anymore. i don't know how to be who i was.'Antonio pulling Alejandro's arm against his chest, holding it. Antonio is smiling with furrowed brows at Alejandro while mostly submerged back against the ocean, with only his face and part of his head unsumbmerged. His shoulder-length blue hair is drifting in the water, and what's underneath the water is darker or bluish, including his diver-like dark blue suit, his skin and his hair. at the bottom right it says: "no. i just can't tell you anything anymore. i don't know how to be who i was."

What I ate this morning… Right. I stole my brother Raj’s junky chocolate éclair for his own good. He tried to kill me, but Fernando held him back. After that, I went and spoke with Layla. She told me she couldn’t save me from Alejandro Caldera-Altaha. She’s so dramatic. All I wanted was a little hint for how annoying our exchange might be… Gatekeeping-ass seer.

I went to where Alejandro was—simply standing by the seashore! We are still vacationing by the City of the Starry-eyed, and much too close to the father I cannot stand. Why always this city? Not that I care for the plans of adults, even our fabled mentor’s, Kiyotaka Miura.

I didn’t wait. >:( I told Alejandro I’d throw his prize into the sea!

Do you know what he said? He smiled at me as he said it— “I fucking wondered if you would.”

I obviously—I obviously had to open my damn trap and say, “If you put it on my wrist for me, I’d have to wear it.”

“Why?” The one he names Alejandro—the one I have known for eras as Shakir—asked.

“Because it’s something everyone expects.”

“But would you suddenly want to?” Shakir sounded so curious—he is that kind of young man. “You just said you were going to drop it in the sea.”

“Something like this… I’d hate it. You’re such an idiot. Still, if you—”

He said, “I would never do that.”

Alejandro Caldera knows, you see—we’re supposed friends, and nowhere near lovers. The world knows. Through our streams, those million eyes always… They’re always waiting for him to announce his beloved—Alia, or Khalida, or… Diego… No.

Anyway, I was an idiot and had to go and yell, “So what do you want me to do?”

He said, “I really thought you’d throw it into the sea. I feel like the girls—Alia or Konna or someone—would challenge me to a duel for daring to insinuate anything. Honestly, they’d just have killed me. Those journos really wouldn’t stop talking about them earlier during the interview… I couldn’t give it to Diego. It’d be way more awkward, considering how much they talked about meaning. I couldn’t—”

Alejandro really wouldn’t shut up. I can’t even inscribe half his ramble—I only memorized that much, and the rest was worse yak. He brought up Leo being unreachable and Fernando and how they’re not even close anymore and how he barely knows Maria—why are you even bringing her up, then!? What is wrong with you!? I had to yell at him—

“You’re seriously acting like you have no real friends! Anyone in the world would’ve accepted the bracelet from you—”

He said, “You already know they made it something so meaningful. Diego or Fernando or Leo would’ve just gone along with it, but my entire life would be upturned. Does it mean what we’ve all been waiting to know? The elemental potential of the era! Anyway, I wasn’t sure what you would do. I thought you’d throw it into the sea.”

In truth, Alejandro Caldera-Altaha doesn’t care about being a proper mage. He’s just as simplistic about our magecraft as you unfathomably old Earthians. If I look at the skies in my world, maybe I could see your star, the Sun, 100,000 lightyears away… Or maybe not. I could care less. I never paid enough attention to how far away it was in my classes.

I told him, “I won’t wrap the bracelet on your wrist.”

Alejandro said, “I never expected you to.”

“You want me to throw it into the sea.”

“I thought that you would.”

“You really wanted me to give it away, didn’t you? Start a drama with your whiny-ass brother.” I thought I might as well have said it.

Like an idiot, Alejandro said, “After you threw it into the sea, I thought I’d push Diego into a dramatic retrieval mission together with your brother. Since Diego is the one who still talks to Fernando. I was wondering how Fernando’s been.”

I was…

Close to—


He was close to brea—


I was…

So infuriated. Seething, even. So mad.

I just said, “You didn’t need me to start your stupid game with my brother—”

He sounded upset too, by then. Over what? He said, “You could’ve just pretended you didn’t open the damn book!”

I… Well, I finally paused.

I mean. I just told him, “You fucking know I wouldn’t let you think I couldn’t solve a puzzle that you gave me. Like duh I solved it. Hello?”

The idiot burst out laughing so soon after looking unhappy. He laughed for a while. I don’t know why he found it so funny.

“You never would be able to resist! It really is so like you, Antonio.”

>_> WTF.

Why did he find it so funny? He went back to smiling like the idiot he is.

He said something so stupid. He said, “Give me back my family’s book, too.”

I told him, “No way. That’s my real damn prize from you. My pillow now, even.”

He turned to me and said, like he might as well be talking to Alia or Konna or Diego or Fernando or Leo, “That’s such shit!” Though around them he would’ve been so much cuter—for the streams and all that, just, “I can’t believe you!”

He is a man of respect. ( <_< )

I told him, “Don’t give me things you don’t want to lose.” I am a man of respect too, of course.

He said, “I imagined you might find it interesting. I can’t parse some things I was hoping to, in the end.”

I think he needed me for it, and so the book wound up more important than the magical Alejandro-fetching bracelet in the end.


We wound up less caught up in our bullshit. He finally lightened up, and the seashore was my home again. I'm sure I won’t remember what made me mad soon enough—an Alejandro whose goals I understand is all I will ever need. I know it.

I know.

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