Compendium of lore within Blue Horizon verse.
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SPECTRAL EYES | "The Core" or "The Loci." | Locales. | The Families. | Terminology.
Red for the heart, gold for what you know, silver for what you reach for, and many more…
Long after Earthians traveled across the galaxy, by that era near-100,000 years in the future, humans began to be born with Spectral Eyes.
Including those two. That famous pair. Ranvir and Armando, who had once had crimson red eyes.
A while ago, now... But not too long ago. I mean, you’re their son, right?
SPECTRAL EYES (also known as "Gods' Eyes"; the two are most utilized depending on the person):
Supernatural glowing eyes that are unalike to typical human eye colors of brown, gray, green and blue. While the normal-eyed also utilize magic, they are unable to "comprehend" to the same supernatural, psychic level. First revealed through the light novel excerpts.
RED: The empath—they comprehend love and hatred as easy as breathing. Those whose hearts connect to any one person (not only fellow red-eyed) can potentially maintain a telepathic connection. The Red once ruled; they are now forced into the lowest caste. Up until recently, they were highly mistreated. They were and—when the opportunity arises for those who fixate on "curses" in particular—are still are condemned as the sort of people who would bring trouble to the whole of Imion.
Associated characters: Antonio Chandrani-Rivera, Mario and Maria Herrera, Alia Akinyemi and Khaleel Atif-Akinyemi, Armando and Antonio Herrera-Rivera, Ranvir and Rajani Chandrani, Alejandro Altaha
SILVER: Seering; psychic power that sees into the future. Due to how potential works, a Silver's seering can wind up either very inaccurate or too accurate. In most places in the world, they are firmly the highest Golden clans' Second.
Associated characters: Rajab Chandrani-Rivera
GOLD: Ability to gauge the past up to a surprising magical extent (though only if ghosts and living people allow it). As Imionians want to avoid the ultra-ancient Earthians' mistakes, the Gold currently rule. According to their own say, at least.
Associated characters: Fernando Chandrani-Rivera
VIRIDIAN: Their eye color is more "spring green," though they are called "Viridian people"; they comprehend "nature" (the world) and its omens, particularly that which will wind up good or bad for themselves. It is neither as personal as the Red or as particular as the Silver. In fact, it is more "defining."
Associated characters: Leo Abara
VIOLET: They are the people who avoid trouble that will affect themselves to a supernatural level. Often pressured to join organizations that prioritize fighting, in popular imagination, they die too easily. If they don't, unfortunately, due to fighting being associated with Violets, they find trouble more frequently than many.
There is a particular region where they are implicitly treated as "the most superior."
Associated characters: William Evans
AQUA: Those who comprehend death. They are unfortunately associated with infamous cult activity. Since the Aqua often do not want to move on, due to this, they can be worse than Hamlet's father.
Associated characters: Tomás Estrada
The Normal-eyed: Human evolution did not leave behind those without the Spectral Eyes. The normal-eyed are best known for having a clearer mind due to having no additonal psychic ability. Despite this, even Spectral are capable of scientific feats. (This is something one might find in a Gold's propaganda poster.)
There is a faction of Gold-eyed who believe the normal-eyed are not worthy of societal gain. While they are largely silenced, the concept of "Gods' Eyes" remains.
Associated characters: Keya Chandrani, Posh Hat
The Dual-eyed: Individuals who have supernatural heterochromia of two different eye colors which they have to learn how to utilize concurrently. It's not necessarily ultra rare, though it is rarer than being a Spectral with homogeneous eye colors. Due to how terribly Dual-eyed were treated for many thousands of years, despite their improving life situations, they are still a guarded people and very often hide one or both their eyes. (However, hiding at least one eye is a boast as well.)
Associated characters: Layla Chandrani
the core, a.k.a., the loci: soul magic. the characters have an "inner" and "outer" loci-slash-core. in my mind when their magic—such as red empath magic and silver seering magic—connect, it's alike to cells merging and separating. as noted in the game, "blue horizon: hibiscus, and the loved garden paths of raj rivera":
from the start: “I mean…” The words crumbled to ash in Antonio’s mouth without even blooming. A veritable fire across his mind, his inner and outer loci; a flower that would never bloom, stuck in that place and time.
from "no.": The depression settled back into him like a familiar cloak—like his outer loci falling in, with its dance of oceanic magic, with its never-ending seaside song. It wasn’t visible right now, the part of him that was so near the Boundless, that place of humanoids’ dreams and nightmares. It simply was. It was a part of him, always.
The Chandrani Family of Jowar Peaks and Other Families of Curious Repute upon Planet Imion
Upon the planet Imion, there are strange circumstances that have stretched on for thousands of years... Amid these circumstances, these families often appear at the edges.
⚜ the chandrani family
of jowar peaks ⚜
a family that has long settled by a ghost-laden city with eerie rumors following them.
⚜ the caldera family
of the golden guard ⚜
the golden family.
⚜ the herrera family
of the red ⚜
a family once famous and then later infamous for typically only ever bearing red-eyed progeny.
⚜ the zhang family
of the great storms ⚜
a family whose corporation has gained in reputation and standing. they have a long-standing vendetta with the chandrani family.
⚜ the cassander family
of the protector's grace ⚜
a family known for their scrying abilities.
⚜ the ahmad family
who knows many secrets ⚜
they were a family once close with the long-passed protector fahima's family, the ayad family.
( and many more . . . )
[Creator's note: I will later add art--for example, the Caldera Family of the Golden Guard has sun imagery. When I drop the books and/or explore the families within the comics, I'll add in more of them.]
Blue Horizon glossary of terminologies introduced thus-far:
[The tradition of Imionian names.]
Did you know? A very long time ago, ultra-ancient humans had names like Antonio
and Raj.
As their descendants we bear those countless of those names now too. I wonder if we've changed at all?